Monday, December 27, 2010

15 Months

Dear Nate,

Today was your 15 month check up.  You are still in the 90th percentile for height (thanks to Daddy) but have gone down in the weight department, 75th percentile.  I can definitely say that it is because of your picky eating habits.  There are very few things that you will eat.  Right now the list includes: eggs, yogurt, rice, pureed baby food meat medley, corn, apple sauce, and Pirates Bootie. If I try to give you something you don't like, it just oozes out of your mouth.  It's not a pretty sight to see.

In the past month, you have been learning so many new things.  It's like this light bulb went on in your brain and you are suddenly this little kid who understands me.  Your vocabulary is rapidly growing.  You can say hot, Emma, no, Mama, Dada, vaccumm (va va), night night (ni ni) and thank you (na nu). You also follow directions (sit down, get a toy, get in your chair).  You can walk really well now.  Most of the time you just run to keep up with your sissy.  But you still enjoy being held.  You are very particular about who holds you now.  Strangers or people you don't see too often don't usually get to pick you up. 

You adore your Auntie.  If she is in the room then no one else matters, not even Mommy :(  Your cousin Brandon is a close second.  You just LOVE him.  Auntie says that every day after your nap you run right out to the tv, sit on Brandon's lap, and watch him play x-box.  So cute! 

The cutest thing ever is bed time.  I will ask you if you are ready for night night, and you nod your head, smile, and raise your eyebrows up and down.  It cracks me up.  Then when I put you in bed I say night night and you stick out your chin, make a mmmmmm sound to give me a kiss.  But when I go in for it, you roll to the other side of the crib and giggle.  You are already teasing your poor momma.

Your favorite thing in the hold world right now is vacuums.  Every time you see one you say va va.  So Grandma Linda got you a pretend one for Christmas.  At first you were scared of it.  You were not a fan of the noise.  But now you push it all over the house with a big grin on your face. 

Thanks for all the laughs!  You and your sis are the light of our lives.  I love you to the moon and back.  And that's a lot!

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