Sunday, November 21, 2010

Kauai: Day 1

The day started off pretty early: 4am. But it didn't matter. We were Kauai bound with our best friends, the Thomson's.
Grandma Linda graciously woke up before dawn, in the pouring rain to drive us to the airport.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Nate is Finally Upright

We have a walker.  The day before Halloween Nate just decided to get up and do it.  There was no holding on to the couch and attempting to reach something else.  Nope.  He was sitting there and then he was walking.  Amazing.  I am a proud mammma.  

  Plus, he learned a new word.  He has been pointing at everything and saying  "that" for quite some time.  But now he has added a new one to his vocabulary.....HOT!  He even uses it the correct way.  He points to the oven and says, HOT! I just love this boy.

Til next time,

PS-Some exciting Natalie news to come.  More reasons for me to be a proud mamma!