Weight has always been an issue for me. Even when I was 115 pounds I felt like I wasn't thin enough. I know this idea stemmed from the many years spent in a dance studio with perfect ballerina bodies prancing all over the place. I probably went on my first diet when I was 10 years old. I remember spending the weekends with my a fellow dancer friend. We would plan to only "eat" chicken broth for the day. But by dinner time we would give up and eat whatever we wanted. Neither one of us needed to lose any weight but the leotards we wore did not help us hide the extra inch of fat with thought was there.
When I was a freshman in high school and 114 pounds, I joined weight watchers. They taught me how to portion my food and make healthy choices. But I ignored the advice of the "experts" and decided that fasting would be much faster. Which, I was right. Pounds shed off my body very quickly. But by my Sophmore year I was back to eating whatever I wanted. Everyday in English class I bought a King Size Kit Kat from sports players doing fundraisers. I spent the whole period slowing savoring that delicious chocolate. I would eat it layer by layer. And with each of those candy bars, I packed on the pounds. I was back up to 116.
I again resorted to fasting two weeks before my wedding. 8 pounds came right off thanks to my 200 calorie a day diet. But that ended at the end of those two weeks and wedded bliss caused me to gain once again.
Three years later I found myself pregnant with Natalie. I vowed at the beginning to eat healthy for her and keep my weight gain to a minimum. It started off strong. I was attending Jazzercise twice a week and eating healthy. But by the second trimester my appetite got the best of me. I ended up gaining 40 pounds. Wow, that was hard to type!! Right after delivery I was 15 pounds lighter. But I was still very heavy. I thought breastfeeding would just shed the inches off (as everyone promised). But I am one of the rare few that it doesn't work on. Ugh. I didn't lose all my weight until Natalie was 2 and a half.
When I got pregnant with Nate I was the same exact weight I was when I got pregnant with Natalie. I gained the exact same amount of weight throughout the pregnancy. Again the weight did not come off with breastfeeding. And I did it for 8 months! But this time I had a goal to reach. We were going to Hawaii 14 months after his birth. I had to lose the weight. It was so hard to get motivated. Over the summer I tried the Atkins diet. The first two weeks went great. I lost 8 pounds and didn't feel like I was depriving myself. But after the two weeks, I plateaued. I followed the same strict diet rules but just couldn't lose another pound. I got frustrated and quit.
October came and I was desperate. I decided to go back to my old ways of eating. Very low calories and a lot of exercise. It worked. I lost about 20 pounds in 2 months. I wasn't where I wanted to be but at least I could fit into a swim suit and all my old clothes.
Now the story leads me to today. I have lost my motivation and the scale is moving in the wrong direction once again. But I just DO NOT want to go back to starving myself to get results. So I heard of a little diet called THE CARBLOVERS DIET. I have decided to give it a try. I know cutting out all carbs does not work for me. I'm Italian. I need PASTA! I went and got the book today and read as much as I could. I have done my grocery shopping and have my meals for tomorrow planned out. I chose this diet because not only can I eat carbs, the types of cards you eat reduce belly fat. I am tired of people asking me if I am going to have a baby.
I am going to use this blog to report my progress each week. So here is my first McFatty Monday post!
I can't believe I am going to put this on a public forum. But here it goes.
Today's Weight: 127